Elliott Packaging

 01606 350036

Sustainable products. Fresh ideas.

Our thoughtful approach to waste and sustainability drives our high environmental standards.

  • We implement the latest technologies to make sure that your packaging leaves a small a footprint as possible.
  • We have a passion for creating innovative packaging which protects, functions and attracts while upholding your brand identity. We strive for quality in form and design, as well as logistic and economic efficiency.
  • We understand that requirements can shift and change so we endeavour to anticipate, adapt and respond quickly to make the process as stress-free as possible for you.

Contact our team today to find out how we can help your business with packaging solutions.

Passionate About Packaging

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branded mailing bags

Branded Mailing Bags

A popular and cost-effective marketing tool. At Elliott Packaging we know just how popular our branded mailing bags are with our customers, they are one

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biodegradable carrier bags 2024

Biodegradable carrier bags

Biodegradable carrier bags are a type of bag designed to break down naturally over time, reducing environmental impact compared to traditional plastic bags. These type

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